​665 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44303
Phone: (330) 379-3467
Fax: (330) 379-3465
E-Mail: info@akronumadaop.com
Community & Education
Akron-UMADAOP, Inc. offers a variety of services to the Summit County community in the area of Prevention Services. We continue to strive to develop a comprehensive prevention system that creates healthy communities in which people enjoy a quality life in accordance with the Center For Substance Abuse Prevention [SAMHSA]. This includes supportive work and school environments, drug- and crime-free neighborhoods, and positive connections with friends and family.
There are times, of course, when prevention programs come too late, or just don’t work. Akron-UMADAOP, Inc.’s Clinical Services are for just those times. Individuals ages 18 and over can find professional guidance from experienced and certified counselors who will help them with the problems caused by alcohol and other drugs. This program is available to all who need it, regardless of any factor, including ability to pay for our services.
Criminal Justice
Akron-UMADAOP, Inc.’s Reentry Programs involve the use of programs targeted at promoting the effective reintegration of returning citizens back to communities upon release from various facilities. The Reentry Programs involve a comprehensive case management approach and are intended to assist returning citizens in acquiring the life skills needed to succeed in the community and become law-abiding citizens.
Links to Other Community Resources
Akron UMADAOP Youth Led Prevention
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board
Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
National Institute on Drug Abuse
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